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"For we are God’s masterpiece..." - Ephesians 2:10

  • Writer's pictureAaliyah Nicely

The Perfect Life

Social media has completely taken over the world. It's everywhere. And I'm not going to lie, I am always on some type of social media. It doesn't matter if it is Instagram, Snapchat or Twitter, I always have my phone in my hand scrolling for hours. We are constantly consumed by what is happening in other people's life, that we often forget about our own life.

We live our life scrolling through social media looking at famous people and how lavish they live. I don't know about you, but I have caught myself thinking, "Wow, their life is perfect." Society has made us think that we have to have tons of money, the best clothes, designer shoes or a bunch of followers to be "perfect." And scrolling through social media has made it a whole lot worse. For example, we see these Instagram models who are insanely pretty and rich who have a bunch of followers. They seem to have the absolute perfect life. Not a single worry in the world. And I will admit it, I have also tried to make my life look perfect through social media. I have taken countless pictures and swiping through each one to edit them. I take 15 minutes to figure out the perfect filter. Ultimately, I end up not liking it enough because I don't look "perfect."

Truth is, they don't have the perfect life. Everyone has worries and struggles. Everyone faces hard times. We are obsessed with trying to make our life look perfect that we don't even know how to live our life normally anymore.

So how do I live the perfect life?

Well first and foremost, be CONFIDENT. This is something I struggle with on a daily basis. Venture out of your comfort zone! Be friendly and social. But most importantly, be yourself. This is the most important step you can take. Don't live your life trying to please others. Don’t choose your path in life based on the expectations set on you by others, whether its your parents, friends, or society in general. But don’t choose a path that will hurt those around you. Be patient and kind.

Let your mind breathe (this is something I have to work on.) Stop feeding it a constant stream of junk. A little downtime is alright, but don’t dedicate every free hour you have to watching realty TV, scrolling through Instagram, checking sports scores, and doing other stuff that requires little mental energy.

So is there actually such thing as a perfect life?

Yes, there is. Live a perfect life by stopping every once in a while, taking a deep breathe in and realizing that you are already the truly most perfect life. In Matthew 5:48 it says, "You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect."

You are already living the perfect life!! Don't worry about trying to portray the perfect life on Instagram and Facebook because when you are living for Him you are living the perfect life!

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